High above Locarno’s port
with outside eyes to east at
midnight: fires of the skies
come speak to me in staccato
forks flashed seconds apart.
All people down, radio
silence around, except for
sonic summer booms that
trail up to five beats past of
lightening strobes in code
to lake black heights.
A Norse god’s gift to pinch
the south. I doze to rolling
burst and durm, and wake
upfreshed before the dawn.
July-November 2021
Lake Maggiore, Switzerland
Rob Bunzel lives in Piedmont, California, and is an active trial attorney, poet and photographer. His poems have appeared in Soundings East, Legal Studies Forum, Block’s Poetry Journal, Orphic Lute, Oxygen, Illya’s Honey, ZYZZYVA, White Pelican, Poet Magazine, and several e-zines. He was board president of ZYZZYVA from 2002-2006. Rob shoots both film and digital and integrates his pictures with his work.