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The Studio(after the painting by Picasso at the Tate)

Rohan Buettel

By Rohan Buettel

Matisse was never in this villa scene:

Picasso’s studio not far from Cannes;

a sombre room contrasts the outside green

with art nouveau windows framing palms.

A sculpted head sits on a wooden stand,

below the easel rest some artist tools,

a Spanish skin of wine hangs near to hand —

it’s thirsty work to reinvent the rules.

Yet this setting could belong to Matisse:

the linear patterns in walls and floors;

the window view creating a centrepiece;

the verdant fronds in the sunny outdoors.

What better tribute to pay his release,

your greatest rival sadly now at peace.


Rohan Buettel lives in Canberra, Australia. His haiku appear in various Australian and international journals (including Presence, Cattails and The Heron’s Nest). His longer poetry appears in numerous journals, including The Goodlife Review, Rappahannock Review, Penumbra Literary and Art Journal, Passengers Journal, Reed Magazine, Meniscus and Quadrant.



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